Dreaming and Planning
Distance: 17.15 km
Time: 92' 34"
Rate: 5' 23" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 16 degrees, humidity 70%, wind calm
Week: 32.05 km
December: 162.8 km
Year: 4181.05 km
I spent most of the weekend following the progress of the runners in Coast to Kozi, and spent most of today's run doing the dreaming and planning for next year in the same event for myself. However, that all come with a very big proviso, all the lead up events and training runs go to plan. No injuries, no sickness, no DNF's, no struggle just to make the start line let alone the finish line. Everything must fit in, otherwise C2K could take up to 3 days to finish. The first 2 , Tim and Martin were well under 30 hours for 250 km with the bulk of the field under 40 hours. Glasshouse in Sept will need to be good and near the 25 hour mark, North Face in May will need to be around 15 hours for the 100 km over a very mountainous course.
This all makes today's run just like a stroll in the park, well, a stroll by the river. Nothing much to say except the water level has dropped significantly in the last few days, and the grass has grown to now cover the track completely. Not good for spotting snakes or following the track for that matter.
No sun again today and not looking too good for the rest of the week. I had a puncture in the front tyre of the mountain bike last week so I decided to up grade the tyres to get more grip. Now have much better off road tyres, even more inclined to get off road and improve the cross training.
This will also help prevent injuries, if I don't fall off, over the handle bars with twist and pike.
Yes, 17k is just a warm-up run for you next year. You should have seen the state of Martin's feet (he was in sandals at the Parly Relays).
Ewen, At
December 12, 2007 at 8:05 PM
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