Thirty Laps in Lane Three
Distance: 14.9 km
Time: 67' 15"
Rate: 4' 31" per km
Weather: nice, sunny, temp 26 degrees, humidity 35%, wind calm to start then up to 20 kmph
Week: 14.9 km
December: 145.65 km
Year: 4163.9 km
This morning the Black Mountain Challenge was at just after the sparrows woke up, so I decided not to run, too early. Instead I slept in and went down to Calwell oval for relaxing laps of the running track. The grass was mowed last week, the grass is now dry, soft and long and very nice to run on. After a few easy metres of warm up followed by a bit of stretching, away I went. I wasn't out to break any records, just after some consistency. I broke the 30 laps into lots of 5, a bit over 2km each time, stopping for a drink after each 5 laps and changing direction after each 10 laps.
Km rates for each lot were: 4'35", 4'29", 4'22", 4'34", 4'23" and 4'20". Last Thursday night in the 10,000 metre I had a slow section around the 5-6 km mark, so I tried to put in a quicker time at that point and then drop back to resume an average pace around the 4'30" per km. A quicker last few kms were good as the wind had picked up blowing from the west, not much assistance as it was across the track.
The cool down laps were run in bare feet, the grass is nice enough to do so, and I read somewhere that it is good for the muscles and ligaments in the feet. The cave man had not invented running shoes when he had to chase wild animals to eat and stay alive. Probably didn't have couch grass to run on either, just dirt.
Really good morning, very enjoyable, one day I may even start to push myself a bit going round and round. Nothing boring about it at all.
As well, I have been keeping up with the Coast to Kozi results, great effort from Tim and Phibes to both go well under 30 hours and just an hour between the two at the finish. Congrats to both and all that were prepared to have a go at a very difficult event. See you all there next year.
I still have the world record for 30 laps of lane 6 :)
And I'm not telling you what it is!
By Ewen, At December 12, 2007 at 8:03 PM
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