Kicking Grass in Lane 5
Distance: 13.25 km - 30 laps
Time: 59' 28'
Rate: 4' 29" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23-29 degrees, humidity 48%, wind light early then NW up to 27 kmph
Week: 13.25 km
Jan & Year: 213.65 km
Rode the bike down to Calwell oval as the warm up. Nice morning, no one else about. Thirty laps in lane 5 just for a change. Lane 1 seems to be getting plenty of use and looks like it needed a rest. I wasn't quite up to the speed required to justify lane 3 and lane 6 is off limits. Lane 8 is used for slow tempo running. Compromise day this morning in lane 5.
The grass had been cut last week and the dried clippings gave something to kick to clear out of the lane. It takes about 10 laps to get a clear path, but it gives you something to do while going around and around.
Changed direction every 10 laps, ran in bare feet, feels great just need to be careful not to upset any bees or insects in the grass,they have a very nasty bite.
Another enjoyable day, solid run at even lap times trying to stay under 2 minutes per lap, not fast but just consistent. Bike back home to top off the day.
I often do that myself (kick the grass out of the lane). Thanks for avoiding lane 6.
By the way, no need to worry about Strewth - she just jogged easily around the grass track at Stromlo - she's a very long way from doing 1k repeats.
Ewen, At
January 13, 2008 at 9:22 PM
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