Mt Rob Roy and Pine Is
Distance: 35.2 km
Time: 3hrs 44 mins 36 secs
Rate: 6' 22" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 18-26 degrees, humidity 40%, wind easterly at 15kmph
Week: 103.8 km - 6/7 days = ave 17.3 km per run day
Jan & Year: 78.0 km - 4/5 days = ave 19.5 km per run day
I didn't get to the Molonglo group start as they start too early for me when I finished work after midnight. That happens normally every 4th week, so I then run from home starting much later. I didn't leave until nearly 10:00am and hoped that the temp would not rise too quickly. It was still around 18 degrees and OK for a long run.
I had decided to go back to Mt Rob Roy again, last time was just a week or so ago on Boxing Day. I ran the same tracks from home, down past the Calwell shops, behind the houses of Theodore to the sub station. But I went over to Conder this time to the reservoir behind Conder/Banks to see if the hill was runable going up, to say the least, coming down requires concentration. Ran up the hill, found a mountain bike lying across the track half way up, and decided that mountain bikes and mountains don't go together. Coming down that steep slope would be exciting, hope the brakes work. Bit further on found the owner, and young kid and his dad having a bit of fun.
Continued on to the nature park gate, up to meet the other track to the top and on to the three pegs that mark the high point on the track. The trig is on a bit and hidden in the bush. Turned around, down the track to the Theodore end near the sub station and back home past the oval and shops.
Stopped for some creamed rice and custard, a drink and off again. The GPS measured exactly the same today as on Boxing day for distance, pity it didn't stop the clock at the same time. Bit slower today, but having a partner on Boxing Day does make you keep going, all is good.
The second part of the run is the easy down to the river via Point Hut and Pine Is. The afternoon conditions were really good, nice and warm, just a gentle easterly breeze and only a few people about. Finished at the beach area at Pine Is for the customary cool off in the water and waited to be collected by car. Good solid day out, very enjoyable, energy levels were good and could have gone on if required. However, it is a long year ahead, no need to do silly things just yet.
I missed Molonglo too. I wonder who the leader was?
Yes, save the silliness for December ;)
Ewen, At
January 5, 2008 at 10:49 PM
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