Mountain Bike Ride
Mtn bike - 21 km
Weather: sunny, temp 28 degrees, humidity 45%, wind calm
Running: nil
Rode to work yesterday morning without incident. But, by the end of the day the back tyre was flat, again. Three punctures in a couple of weeks, very frustrating.
So today I went to the bike shop and bought a stronger bike tube, this one is "thorn resistant" as it says on the box. Lunch time I changed the tubes over, got organised and went for a ride, really hoping that I didn't get a flatie again.
The morning cloud had disappeared, the sun was out, nice warm day and no wind. Just needed to find dirt, gravel, sand to test these new more off road tyres I bought before Christmas. They are good, probably better than I need for my limited mountain bike riding ability. The track along the river is undulating and good to run on and even better for bike riding. The dirt and soft sand are great fun. From Pine Is to Point Hut and then up a very steep track behind Gordon. I used every gear I had and I have 27 of them, but I made it without stopping. The legs were feeling the pinch on what was supposed to be an easy day out.
A circuit around the outside of Gordon, Banks and Conder, back to the Point Hut pond and back to work with a quick dip in the river to cool off.
I didn't time the ride, but I did 21 kms by the bike trip meter. A good cross training day, plenty of enjoyment today. Back to the running tomorrow, a mid week hilly one, just hope it is not too warm at midday.
Ewen, CJ won't turn up, she's saving herself for the women's world record attempt in lane 6.
Two Fruits, At
January 8, 2008 at 8:27 PM
It has to be done at Calwell, or it doesn't count.
My goal for the 10,000 is to have you lap me no more than twice.
Ewen, At
January 9, 2008 at 6:23 PM
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