Better than Last Sunday
Distance: 12.8 km
Time: 65' 40"
Rate: 5' 08" per km
Weather: cloudy, cool, temp 10 degrees, humidity 67%, calm
Week: 12.8 km
July: 295.4 km
Year: 2855.65 km
The weather forecast for today was windy with showers. The BOM got the cloudy, cool part right but luckily it was calm with no rain likely. For this time of the year, conditions were good for running,
Late start after working last night then watching the cycling and some golf when I finished. Great to see the Aussies doing so well at both events.
Back to the running, a run down to Pine Is, along the river track towards Point Hut and back home. Good solid run at a consistent pace throughout. Not many BBQers about, plenty of cars with the heaters on no doubt.
An easy week coming up with the Bush Capital 60 km on Saturday. Duty on Sunday at the monthly handicap at Mt Taylor, out on the course somewhere watching and directing, no desk jobs for me.
"No rain likely"! It was bucketing down 3pm at Fadden Pines.
Ewen, At
July 20, 2008 at 6:02 PM
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