We Visited Trent Twice
Distance: 34.95 km
Time: 3 hrs 58 mins 7 secs
Rate: 6' 48" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 16-21 degrees, humidity 55%, very strong NW wind up to 50 kmph
Week: 54.0 km
Dec: 157.55 km
Year: 4589.65 km
The coach's plan said run up and down more mountains. So we did as requested, paid our respects to Trent twice.
Four of left just after 7;30 am from behind the War Memorial with John K catching up a little way down the track as we started a circuit of the base of Mt Ainslie. CJ missing, late withdrawal after a non running incident during the week prevented her running. Mick & Nick, softshoeshuffle and myself had settled into a rhythm running on very soft and at times still wet tracks after yesterday's rain. Canberra had more than this month's average in 24 hours.
The first lap, a reverse of the monthly handicap course was designed to take the freshness out of the legs similar to running down to Coxes River at SFT. Almost exactly 10 km with the start at the drink fountain where the Mountain Running conduct the monthly Mt Ainslie run up.
Then the hard part begins with the first of 2 loops going up the walking track to the top of Mt Ainslie. Then down the back to the power lines, right turn to the saddle and down to the fence line. So far so good until Trent gets his way as the climb up to his grave is no picnic. Rough under foot, a few rocks to negotiate and steep make it a challenge. It's no easier going down this section as well. Ewen knows a story about Trent, may be he made it up, but the view back over the airport does make the climb well worth the effort.
Turn left on the top of the ridge and head back to the saddle to start the roller coaster track on the side of Mt Ainslie. This never gets easy but it is easier going towards Campbell Park offices. It's a couple of kms of just undulating up and down.
Finally exit just before the pistol club, care needed here to keep your head down in case of a stray bullet as I certainly heard shots from inside the compound. Back to the start area and the loop is about 12.5 kms average of about 4 GPS's.
Then we do it all again only this time in reverse, the roller coaster has more punch in it this time as it has more up than down. The wind was beginning to be a factor, very strong in the open, struggle to keep the hat on.
Care taken on the down after revisiting Trent, then head down on the up hill back to the saddle. Walked a bit of this section, and the roller coaster and most of the back of Mt Ainslie feeling the effect of the wind, the virus and lack of running through the week.
Wind blowing a gale on top of Mt Ainslie, but with only 2 km to go and down hill, we were almost done.
Mick and Nick were resting at the table as we finished, glad to get today out of the way. However the plan has another one of these later, but with 3 loops over the mountain. That one will be very tough.
CJ missed a good one, Kelley would have loved today, just short in the fitness department at the moment, but at least running without injury. Hopefully she will be OK after New Year. Strewth, this one would have done wonders for your Canberra marathon campaign, just need to get you social activities out of the way.
Another top day out, just could have done without the wind, warm and sunny would have been fine. Rest day next Saturday due to the Tour de Mountain from Woden on Sunday, looking forward to more hills and a trip over Mt Taylor.
Well done to all the competitors in Coast to Kozi, well done to Tim and Jo on 1st and 2nd in very average conditions. In fact the section to touch Kozi was cancelled due to the bad weather. Just waiting for the results in the women's run to see if Kerrie held Lisa out for the win. Whatever, congratulations to all.
It's remiss of me not to have paid my respects since last summer....
Trent was a good young runner - he often ran that part of the Ainslie/Majura hills. His friends spread his ashes there. They built a cairn of stones and placed a rough wooden cross to mark the spot of his final resting place.
I see that KB pace is now 7+ minutes per km. I can now brag that all my running is faster than KB pace!
Ewen, At
December 14, 2008 at 7:31 PM
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