On the Off Road Again
Distance: 14.5 km
Time: 80' 06"
Rate: 5' 31" per km
Weather: cloudy, mild, temp 16 degrees, humidity 80%, wind calm
Week: 20.4 km, May: 259.6 km, Year: 1811.65 km
Time to get back into the serious side of having fun. A couple of short easy jogs last week while in recovery mode have served their purpose. But watching the mountain runners climb Mt Rob Roy yesterday and hearing of Phibes's results in France has kicked the system back in to gear.
It only takes a little bit to get you going again after a short break. Today was on the soft sandy tracks between the base of Lake Tuggie dam wall, along the edge of the mighty Murrumbidgee River to near Point Hut, then back to civilization. Really can't run on hard surfaces any more, there goes the marathon running career.
Liz, Dave Hosking won the Mt Rob Roy run from Dave O and Trev , Angela won the women's race, 31 starters on a perfect day for running up and down mountains. Full results out shortly on http://www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au/
Just watched the final 10 minutes of the 48 hour from France. Unbelievable, note the concentration on Martin's face in those final few laps. Totally focused. A true champion.
Heard Angela won. She trains quietly and conscientiously, and then races great. Her Rob Roy run shows she's in good form for competing @ mt worlds etc in the near future. Now she's a good candidate for your ultra/100km and beyond events.
Glad the easy week has renewed your enthusiam for training and 'what next?' events.
By Jog Blog, At May 25, 2009 at 9:30 PM
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