Weston Park - Worth Another look
Distance: 6.8 km
Time: 78' 30"
Rate: 11' 33" per km
Weather: cool, cloudy, temp 13 degrees, cold westerly wind at 25 kmph off lake, humidity 60%
Week: 20.7 km, May: 150.8 km, Year: 1702.85 km
A couple of us from the running handicap sub committee walked around Weston Park looking for a suitable course to replace the current one that starts from the Girl Guide camp on the eastern side of Mt Majura.
A map was produced but it is a secret until others from the sub committee have a chance to examine and comment. It may be rejected but I hope not, it looks a chance to me.
The weird part is my Garmin GPS has produced a different map but most of it is in the lake between Weston Park and Black Mountain. The club may have to provide flippers and a snorkel to some competitors.
Hi Two Fruits. Thanks for your good wishes. Hope you also have a good run at GH. I'll catch up with you in the next few weeks.
By softshoeshuffle, At May 15, 2009 at 6:07 PM
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