Tapering and Enjoying It
Distance: 6.55 km
Time: 32' 23"
Rate: 4' 56" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 14 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm
Week: 13.9 km, May: 144.0 km
Year: 1696.05 km in 19 weeks at 89.2 km ave per week
Another nice autumn day in tapering week, a day off yesterday to help refresh, and a good solid if short run today. May be tapering does have something going for it. So the waste of a good running week is not the tapering, but the event at the end of the week. And the recovery afterwards.
However, today a good fastish easy run, just around the Pine Is area, kind of flat to easy undulating.
Nothing too interesting about the run, rode bike home afterwards for lunch. Bit of a mixed up cross training day. Enjoyable day, but now getting excited about Sunday.
Good luck. Hope it's nice and cool up there. Don't do a CJ.
By Ewen, At May 14, 2009 at 3:52 PM
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