Two Fruits

Monday, May 18, 2009

Glasshouse - The Next Day

Running: definitely - Nil

Slept like a log on the plane and last night. Day off work today, probably could have gone but another early start would not have been too good.
Another couple of interesting facts from yesterday: Calories used - 5127, that's a lot to replace, Altitude gain - 780 metres, not that much over 80 plus kms but most of of that was short and rough up hill on soft sandy trails. Except for a steep 150 metres straight up just after the 60 km mark on the profile. That's Cookie's hill, a real brute, rough and all walking, even stopping at times to try to maintain balance.
Note the GPS distance is much less than the 83 kms of the run. The thick dark parts of the power lines section easily lose the signal as well as many other parts in the trees and gullies. There is plenty of shade even on a hot day. If I had the GPS on auto pause, then I would have been continually hearing the beep go off from no forward movement.
Congratulations to all that competed at Glasshouse, record field and close to the limit. Next events this year, there will no late entries on the day, the race director has advised and will be pleased.
And well done to the winner of the 50 mile event, a female Deb Nichol kicked the men's backsides and won.
Beautiful day in the nation's capital today, wish I could get out, but a bike ride this afternoon would be nice down to the river. Good idea.


  • You could pack a rope ladder in your backpack for those hills!

    Yes, shame about 'recovery' wasting these perfect Canberra afternoons.

    By Blogger Ewen, At May 18, 2009 at 6:44 PM  

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