Sunny Autumn Daze
Distance: 10.2 km
Time: 52' 47"
Rate: 5' 10" per km
Weather: sunny, light high cloud, temp 16 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Week: 23.5 km, May: 79.35 km, Year: 1630.9 km
Ran home at lunch time, drove the car back to Pine Is, then went for a short run around the area. That was the nice easy part.
Then, standing in the cool waters of the Murrumbidgee river for 13 minutes, was the not so fun part. I hadn't been near the water since the long run on Saturday, so the legs and glutes were in need of some soothing recovery. After you go numb, it's really nice. Can't feel anything, so it must be good.
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