Stromlo West
Distance: 4.0 km
Time: 51' 06"
Rate: 12' 47" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 12 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 39.6 km, May: 95.45 km, Year: 1647.05 km
A very gentle walk over the short course part of the May monthly handicap course on the western side of Mt Stromlo. The course has been used in the early 2000's prior to the ACT bush fires and the area is now suitable for running and mountain bike events again. Looks very different without trees.
Today was to measure accurately the 4 kms used short course, mark the kms spots and the turn around point. For these runners and walkers, they will love the first 2 kms, nice gravel track down hill and very fast. However, the return to race it, will only be for the fit and the strong. Pity I will miss seeing them in full flight.
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