Solo at Deeks.... for a while
Distance: 46.2 km
Time: 4 hours 32 mins 0 secs
Rate: 5' 53" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 5-12 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 112.8 km, July: 178.6 km, Year: 2446.8 km
Nine laps solo then Ewen turned up to run the last 3 with me. Two weeks ago the rally cars were churning up the track and the dust was flying. Today, a few mountain bike riders, a couple of people walking their dogs and me, the solo runner. Quite happy in my own world to run boring laps, 12 of them on the main part of the old Jogalong course in Deeks Forest Park.
Parts of the circuit, the Cotter road side have been graded with a bit of drainage put in, I presume for the rain water to have somewhere to go. That's forward thinking from the local government, if we ever get enough rain to create run off. Each lap was 3.85 km, the GPS variation only 20 metres and that would have depended on which side of the track I ran. The average was just over 22 minutes when I ran the whole way, a couple of laps I walked for a few minutes.
Stopped at the car to eat and drink, conditions not warm enough to need much to drink. Stopped the clock when I stopped at the car, but at the real event that won't happen. The clock doesn't stop. However, in Qld I will eat and drink and keep walking.
Happen to run nearly all the way, especially when Ewen arrived. Good day out, just wish the sun had been out as well.
Good to get the k's in Steve.
R2B, At
July 11, 2009 at 8:34 PM
Good run. I came late because I was hoping you'd already burned off Jog.
Ewen, At
July 12, 2009 at 9:55 AM
Hehehe ... Two Fruits would have done a few laps before I even hauled my post marathon body out of bed! I needed the sleep more than the kms tho.
I got back into normal trg this am tho. Here we go again ....
Let's know your long run plans for next Sat Two Fruits and I'll chug along a bit with you.
Jog Blog, At
July 12, 2009 at 10:35 AM
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