Lake Tuggeranong
Distance: 7.8 km
Time: 35' 54"
Rate: 4' 36"per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 65%, wind calm
Week: 36.7 km, Feb: 217.85 km, Year: 704.55 km
I'll call it a tempo run today. It was more flat run to get a map of the lake. As well, with visitors at home, I didn't have much spare time.
I don't run around Lake Tuggeranong very often, mainly because I need to run on the grass on the edge of the bike path, and the grass is a bit rough. Prefer dirt trails. Good pace for the trip, felt comfortable.
Rode the mtn bike home for lunch, car back to afterwards via a trip to Pine Is to see how far the water level had dropped. Down a few metres, still fast flowing. Found a calm metre of water to stand in for 15 minutes. Water temperature down a few degrees, almost on the cool side. Very nice for the legs, just what I need a few days out from the Vic trip.
Best of luck for the weekend Steve. Hope the weather is kind and that you have a fantastic run. Enjoy yourself.
By strewth, At February 18, 2010 at 10:33 PM
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