Similar to Yesterday
Distance: 14.75 km
Time: 74' 50"
Rate: 5' 05 " per km
Weather: sunny, temp 28 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm
Week: 37.65 km, Feb: 136.4 km, Year: 623.1 km
Same as yesterday with a little bit extra because I had a bit more time. Little faster as well. Nothing to report expect being scared by a frilled neck lizard on the nature park track above the river. Plenty of small running lizards about, not much else including people. Kids back at school.
Jog has some good pictures on her blog from the Cradle Mtn run. You certainly get the idea of how difficult an event it is. Well done to her for finishing a difficult ultra run.
Finally today we saw some sun shine, glad of that, summer is almost gone.
If you want an easy run (just the saddle of Mt Ainslie) for 22-26k, you can run with us Sat morning 7am. If you want a killer run, you can try and keep up with Michelle ;)
Ewen, At
February 10, 2010 at 4:13 PM
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