Circuit of Urambi
Distance: 15.05 km
Time: 79' 14"
Rate: 5' 15' per km
Weather: sunny, temp 20 degrees, humidity 45%, wind calm
Week: 55.9 km, April: 232.25 km
Year: 1377.6 km in 15 weeks at ave 91.8 km per week
I thought about Mt Taylor today, but with a long run on Saturday, gave that idea away. Instead, ran from work around the base of Urambi Hills, over to Gleneagles estate, down the open paddock to Tuggie Creek. Followed a recently cut and weed sprayed track back to Pine Is.
Stopped at the south end beach area for 15 minutes in the water, then an easy jog back to work.
The large tree that had fallen on Monday is now broken branches on the ground, most of the main trunk has been cut up. Still need to go around or over.
Nice autumn day to be outdoors.
Enjoy the long run tomorrow. A short 26k for me as Ruth is tapering. Going to take the girls and Andy out to the Arboretum and back.
By Ewen, At April 16, 2010 at 7:35 PM
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