A Different Way Home
Distance: 13.3 km
Time: 67' 51"
Rate: 5' 06" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 20 degrees, humidity 45%, wind NW at 12 kmph
Week: 40.85 km, April: 217.2 km, Year: 1362.55 km
I ventured where I usually don't go running, near houses in suburbia on my way home at lunch time. Just something different, certainly won't be the norm, trying to find some grass or dirt to run on, not on the bike path. And there are people who want to share your space. Pass.
It was much flatter as I left work, over the dam wall to the bike path at Monash at the Isabella pond. Then behind, or in front of Isabella Plains houses to Johnson Dr and home.
Getting back to work was more fun. Down Johnson and Woodcock Dr to the nature park, over to the river track and stop at Pine Is. Spent a quiet 12 minutes in the water, then easy up the road back to work. Nice afternoon, pace looks better than last few due to the lack of up hill.
Nothing to report except the workmen were chopping up the fallen tree at the south end of Pine Is.
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