Where's My Lunch & Wasn't That Close
Distance: 12.15 km
Time: 63' 24"
Rate: 5' 13" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 20 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm
Week: 77.2 km, April: 138.3 km Year: 1283.65 km
Nothing to report about today's run from work to home and back again.
So today I will tell you that someone was missing their lunch today when they arrived at work. They left 2 long, nice soft bread rolls with ham & cheese plus an apple on the back seat of my bus this morning. Did look nice, but I handed it in to lost property mid morning at the depot. It was going to be their full lunch hour to get from the centre of the city to Tuggie to collect. May be it will finish up in the bin ?
It was " that" close, you know how close ? Some idiot, that's being nice, decided to exit the car park at the Hellenic Club at 5 pm, in front of two buses with their head lights on. I guess he didn't see us. A very quick way to raise the heart rate, good brakes on the bus are brilliant enough to stop in time, pity the passengers didn't stay in their seats. No injuries, and no paper work to fill out, no damage. But not what you want at the end of the week, but gave plenty to talk about at end of the day.
And it didn't count towards the 600 accidents a year involving buses, 99 % of which are not our fault. Most common excuse by car drivers, didn't see you !
Tomorrow's run will clear any negative thoughts from the head, it's a little bit hilly, should be fun.
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