Uninspiring Day
Distance: 6.3 km
Time: 32' 44"
Rate: 5' 11" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 18 degrees, humidity 80%, wind NW 12 kmph
Week: 55.8 km, April: 116.9 km, Year: 1262.25 km
Almost the rest day proposed due the chance of rain. A drop or two didn't do much to fill the dams.
Ran from work to home at lunch time, nothing happened, so nothing to report. Hopefully we get some sun back tomorrow and continues for the weekend, especially Saturday when we hit Mt Rob Roy.
Ewen, you will need a Sunday to get Ruth to Dairy Farmer's Hill, the area is closed on Saturday and all week, but open on Sunday. It may be the venue for a monthly handicap later in the year.
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