Two Fruits

Saturday, May 8, 2010

More of the Same on Saturdays

Dist: 10.4 km in 52' 52" at 5' 05" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 14 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
12 min in river at 12 degrees, getting cold

Distance: 52.05 km
Time: 5 hours 10 mins 31 secs ( running time )
Rate: 5' 58" per km
Altitude: 570 metres up, 610 metres down
Weather: sunny, temp 4-18 degrees, humidity 95% - 50%, wind calm
Week: 121.15 km, May: 172.35 km, Year: 1771.00 km

Computer virus hit yesterday, fixed thanks to anti virus software already loaded and 2 hours from Mick C this afternoon who fixed the other damage done. I owe him for that, I had no idea what to do.
That was after I finished a long run that started just after 8:00 am and went for a long time. I met Softshoe on the trail behind Theodore continuing behind Chisholm & Gilmore houses to reach Isabella Dr. Easy down hill running to Ashley Dr and home. End of 1st lap, distance 18.3 kms in 1 hr 50 mins. Inside to get honey & banana sandwich and a drink before starting lap 2.
This time up Ashley Dr thru Gowrie to the Fadden entrance to Wanniassa Hills nature park. Plenty of options, but opted to go under Yamba Dr to Farrer ridge, and return home same way. Lap 2 completed, 19.4 kms in 1 hr 56 mins. Slightly faster than lap 1, but not much, felt Ok. Small can of chocolate creamed rice and drink, then out again.
Lap 3 much more down hill towards Point Hut and Pine Is. Finished up in recovery mode in the river for 12 minutes, either I'm getting soft or the water is colder, 7 minutes in and 1 minute out, then final 5 minutes in. Whatever, it's good for tired legs.
I should be able to go Ok tomorrow, meeting Nick for a Stromlo stroll in the morning to start off another week while the good weather holds out.
Wore the new trail running shoes for the first 38 kms, really happy with the comfort and how they gripped, but will need to wear the short gaiters to keep those tiny stones out. Forgot for the first lap, remembered for the second lap, no worries after that. Changed to road shoes for third lap with the gaiters.


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