Distance: 51.2 km
Time: 5 hrs 14 mins 10 secs
Rate: 6' 08 " per km
Altitude: 500 metres up, 540 metres down
Calories: 3900
Weather: sunny, temp at 7 am, 8 degrees rising to 19 degrees, humidity 90% down to 50%, wind mostly calm rising to NW 15 km
Week: 113.7 km, May: 51.2 km, Year: 1649.85 km
The image shows two red courses, the top one was the first course I ran today with Softshoe, the lower one is the Mt Rob Roy course we ran a couple of weeks ago. Today we certainly covered plenty of territory and saw plenty of suburbs in the Tuggeranong & Woden area.
I also ran along the edge of Lake Burley Griffin in the afternoon checking the ultra course for use tomorrow at the Canberra Road Running Festival.
The morning was again near perfect conditions, a little cool to start, long sleeved shirt but nice and sunny. Felt comfortable, we walked up a few hills especially on Wanniassa Hills and Isaacs Ridge, we did the full loop,a bit of walking around the outside of Mt Taylor. But a generally good outing, very enjoyable. And a thanks to Softshoeshuffle for the company.
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