Rain Overnight, Thunder in the Sky
Distance: 15.15 km
Time: 81' 56"
Rate" 5' 25" per km
Weather: thick cloud, temp 15 degrees, humidity 85%, SW wind 20 kmph
Week: 31.6 km, May: 267.5 km, Year: 1856.15 km
Plenty of rain overnight set to continue until the end of the week. The usual story from the locals, it's been sunny for months, these are the first wet days we have had. Can't win.
At least the ground is soft to run on, too much water to head to the forest, so I stayed on the edge of the road around suburbia.
No point in offering a description of where I went, I don't know myself. All I did was an out and back towards Williamtown, home of a RAAF base.
Thunder in the clouds combined with fighter jets overhead, keep head down in case something drops from the sky. The jets scream across at reasonably low altitude, certainly hear them even if hidden by cloud. Spread out is loud, a couple together is louder, but more is deafening. Good for a tourist, no so good for the locals that put up with the sounds every day.
There are seats on the edge of the road at the end of the runway so people can stop to watch the fighters take off and land. That would be fun.
No rain down here. Still copping perfect weather for afternoon running :)
By Ewen, At May 18, 2010 at 8:09 PM
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