The Cold Wind Got Me
Distance: 11.25 km
Time: 62' 03"
Rate: 5' 31" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 18 degrees, humidity 40%, wind Westerly at 25 kmph
Week: 41.4 km, May: 213.75 km, Year: 1812.4 km
From inside it looked like a nice day outside. It was running with the wind assisting, but I didn't like or handle the conditions against the breeze.
I bit of a circle from work behind Bonython to Woodcock Dr, down to Point Hut, then along the river track against the wind to Pine Is, top car park, and back to work.
Stopped for 15 minutes in the river, really good for the legs and glutes, but it stuffs the jog up the road for the last 1 km.
Ewen, the answer to your question is Yes. But that's not necessarily the answer to the original question. Follow ? May be one day I will let you know, if I get permission.
I'm always following, and never catching! Also, I'm as thick as two short planks, so you'll have to spell it out to me when you get permission ;)
By Ewen, At May 12, 2010 at 7:14 PM
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