Honeysuckle to Orroral Valley Bridge
Distance: 18.55 km
Time: 2 hrs 21 mins 28 secs
Rate: 7' 37" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 680 metres
Weather: sunny, temp range 12-20 degrees, humidity 85% down to 60%, wind calm
Week: 38.45 km, Oct: 238.55 km, Year: 3782.4 km
Next Sunday is the running of the Deep Space Mountain Marathon plus associated shorter but just a difficult events.
To reacquaint ourselves with the terrain, I accompanied Softshoe over the 2nd half of the course, the nice trip to the new concrete bridge over the Orroral river.
We arrived at the old tracking station to find the campground full of tents and young school kids all enjoying breakfast around the campfire on a nice warm sunny morning.
We set off and in less than a km, we found the first of many short up hills that we walked. It was only a sightseeing outing so we took it easy. We passed the spot where the drink station will be as we continued up to the old tower site to find a couple of cars. One had a mountain equipment sticker on it so we presumed someone had gone off rock climbing. There are many spectacular rocks about that would be ideal to climb for those interested. No me, I'm scared of heights !
Back down to the drink station location, then down to the new bridge over the Orroral river. It looks a little out of place and not really environmentally sensitive. However, it will be there for a long time.
The return is tough up hill, and those going the full distance will be looking for the finish line. The kids had gone when I returned.
Last time I was out there was in 2008, when we ran in the snow in November. A day that all who attended will remember for a long time.
A good outing today, thanks to Softshoe for his invite to attend. Well worth the trip in to the Namadgi National Park.
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