I'm Average
Distance: 5.3 km
Time: 29' 45"
Rate: 5' 37" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 16 degrees, humidity 65%, light west wind at 10 kmph
Week: 27.15 km, Nov: 17.9 km, Year: 3809.55 km
At least I was average last Sunday. The vet's roving reporter ran me to tonight to ask what I thought about finishing in the middle of the field at the monthly handicap ? I finished 38th out of 75 finishers, close enough. How did I like the course ? How has my running year been, what have I done ?
Answers will be in the next edition of the Vetrunner.
I left my bike at work last night, raining, so no riding, I would fall off for sure. Today I rode it home at lunch time and ran back to work. A struggle indeed, just no go at all.
I know why. Five days of running in a row after 9 days of nothing after a 57 km run in the tropics. No wonder I'm tired. As well, siting has caused a niggle in left hammie, sciatic is all I hope it is. Hopefully that is go away with a rest day or two, and few more bike riding days. Some sunny days would also help, as well as a couple of good night's sleep.
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