Distance: 13.3 km
Time: 79' 00"
Rate: 5' 56" per km
Weather: very warm, sunny, temp 31 degrees, humidity 25%, wind NW at 20 kmph
Week: 86.15 km, Dec: 316.05 km
Year: 4351.15 km in 52 weeks at ave 83.67 km
It's been many years since I had the chance to run from Woden during a lunch break. Mostly it had been the Oakey Hill - Curtin loop. At other times I would run straight to the top of Mt Taylor and back, that was about 9 kms.
Today, I checked out the distance around the base track of Mt Taylor, a circuit we will use on Monday and may be a few times later on. The distance is 5.57 km plus the extra km and a bit to where the car will be parked, around 7 kms as planned. Altitude gain & loss on the loop around 100 metres. Track is generally Ok, a couple of wash outs but nothing to worry about.
Clockwise I think will be the easier way to go, the up hill is shorter but steeper, the down hill flatter & more runable. Should be a good test after a couple of circuits.
Nice afternoon out there today, I ran from just after 2 pm, warm temp but with low humidity, the heat didn't seem a problem. Unlike Sydney in February near the coast, humidity will be high.
Got that run in before the awaited and forecast 30 degrees later in the week
By Friar, At December 31, 2010 at 11:01 AM
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