Rescuing Queensland
Distance: 6.95 km
Time: 35' 35"
Rate: 5' 07 " per km
Weather: hot, sunny, temp 36 degrees, humidity 20%, wind NW at 25 kmph
Week: 29.75 km, Feb: 6.95 km, Year: 445.6 km
Poor Queensland is about to cop another battering, this time the top end with a monstrous cyclone just off the coast of Cairns.
More than a passing interest in this one with my brother and family living in Cairns plus all the runners I have met and got to know from a few running events over the years. I hope they all get through this one Ok.
In under 7 weeks time, I will be off on a long break in our " cubbie house" pictured. It's 18' 6 " long, double axle pop top caravan with a few comforts inside to make life a little easier on our travels.
Looks like we will helping spread our tourist dollar around Queensland after a short trip to Tassie.
Running today very similar to yesterday, a short run from work, ride bike home for lunch. Then car back to Pine Is for another short jog followed by 15 minutes in the river.
Ewen, the place is packed with young nymphs, just so many I didn't think I needed to mention it when the weather is sunny and hot.
As my runs are stuck around 10k I'll have to drive to Bunnings and run from there ;)
Hope you had the van out in the rain today to test it for cyclonic conditions.
By Ewen, At February 4, 2011 at 5:02 PM
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