Orroral Valley
Distance: 7.2 km
Time: 39' 00"
Rate: 5' 25" per km
Weather: cloudy, light drizzle, temp 18 degrees rising to 30 degrees, humidity 85% down to 40%, wind calm
Week: 23.35 km, Jan & Year: 357.35 km
The AMRA held the Orroral Valley run this morning. Course changes due to long grass in the valley after Smoker's Trail meant an out and back on the fire trail. Usual starting place at the old tracking station site but still including a nasty climb between the 5 and 6 km marks.
A good field for a mid week public holiday of around 50 runners with 3 walkers, mostly doing the 20 kms event.
Light drizzle fell as we set up the drink station at the turn around point at 10 kms. Luckily it wasn't cold, and soon the clouds broke up and the sun came out to give a beautiful morning.
I jogged around a bit to give me some running for the day, quite happy with that while Kerrie M did all the serving of drinks to thirsty runners.
Apart from the running with the results soon to be published on http://www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au/ the only other creature of nature was a nice tiger snake, complete with yellow markings, hidden under a large rock at the start line.
It's been many years since I have seen one so up close and personal, a beautiful snake, but I don't wish to engage in idle chatter with one.
Great morning in Namadgi National Park, if you missed out, there is always next time.
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