Hilly on the Eastern Shore
Distance: 11.55 km
Time: 74' 33"
Rate: 6' 27" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 225 metres
Weather: sunny, temp 24 degrees, humidity 28%, wind ESE at 12 kmph
Week: 30.8 km, April: 45.8 km
Year: 826.85 kms in 14 weeks at ave 59.06 km
I found a hill to run up and down. Unfortunately it is on the other side of the Derwent River so I had to run on the hard surface of the Bowen Bridge to get there.
It was worth the effort. I stopped to ask a young bloke fishing how to get to the top of the hill. Typical fisherman, never gets above sea level so didn't know where the tracks were.
Didn't matter, I don't get lost and have a good sense of navigation. I found a track up that went nowhere, and a better dirt road to get down. Felt good to be climbing again, much better than the flat bike paths near the river.
Beautiful day in Hobart today, but the weather will turn over the weekend with showers forecast for nearly a week.
Mother-in-law enters the age care home on Tuesday so we hope for some dry hours to help us pack and move the necessities for her over the weekend.
Good luck to all running over the weekend at the Canberra Running Festival especially those facing the distance of the marathon. Take care, run well and importantly enjoy the day. It's all about having fun.
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