Last Hobart Run
Distance: 9.45 km
Time: 54' 10"
Rate: 5' 44"
Weather: sunny, temp 18 degrees, humidity 45%, wind calm
Week: 21.85 km, April: 96.8 km, Year: 877.85 km
A last trip over some of the tracks I have used during the last 3 weeks. A nice day yesterday but it rained again overnight, nothing unusual about that.
Today we pack up, must remember what to do in which order. We have a list courtesy of some friends that travelled for a few years. It's a double check so that nothing breaks or moves while on the road.
Don't want to get to destination to find the fridge door open and the contents on the floor.
We don't have far to go, but it is south of Hobart, almost in iceberg and penguin territory.
Probably a couple of non running days, then hopefully get to check out the trails on Bruny Is.
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