Cool, Very Cool
Distance: 12.05 km
Time: 65' 15"
Rate: 5' 24"
Weather: cloudy, light drizzle, temp 12 degrees felt like 10, humidity 75%, wind ESE at 30 kmph
Week: 12.05 km, April: 57.85 km, Year: 838.90 km
Too busy and too much like winter to run over the weekend. By the look of some pictures, the weather down here was similar to that experienced at the Canberra marathon. Brave runners to front up, start and finish, well done to everyone.
Nothing special today, out to the Granada Tavern and back. Wind assisting going out but very strong against on the way back.
The Granada Tavern is well known entertainment venue in Hobart. It was in existence when I lived here 40 years ago. But probably more well known was that it was operated by legendary AFL footballer & record holding goal kicker in Peter Hudson. He played for and coached Glenorchy after he returned from his Hawthorn days.
The AFL followers will know which record he jointly holds. I'll give you a few days to answer.
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