Wynnum / Manly Esplanade
Distance: 12.05 km
Time: 61' 39"
Rate: 5' 07" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23 degrees, humidity 45%, wind NNE 5 kmph
Week & Aug: 43.55 km, Year: 1389.5 km
We are now in bay side Brisbane staying for a few days with friends that moved here from Canberra earlier in the year.
It's nice here at the moment, close to the sea, and suitably cool for what the locals call winter. Our friends took their two poodle dogs down to the esplanade for a walk while I enjoyed the scenery of the harbour, the yacht club and the hundreds of people out enjoying the day.
Back at the house I had 15 minutes standing waist deep in their salt water pool, water temp around 18 degrees, cool enough to be of benefit for recovery.
The chocolate cake with coffee afterwards was probably better for me, or at least as enjoyable.
Liz, enjoy Townsville & have a good run in the marathon.
Thanks Two Fruits. It's too warm for me here - or too warm for me to run a "fast" marathon - but it is perfectly warm for a weekend escape from Canberra's winter. I've never been to Townsville before. It's nice. I'm treating the marathon as a long training run. Next w'end will be the opposite in climate - supporting those running the Tan Ultra in chilly Melb. Nothing like diversity :)
Jog Blog, At
August 6, 2011 at 6:00 PM
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