Cotter to Bulls Head
Distance: 55.35 km
Time: 6 hrs 42 mins 57 secs
Rate: 7' 17" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 1582 metres
Weather: mostly cloudy, temp range 16-21 degrees, humidity 75% down to 55%, wind mostly calm
Week: 110.00 kms, March: 287.1 km
Year: 1123.4 kms in 11 weeks at ave 102.1 kms
Cotter run No 157 with Martin & Michael. Others I guess saving themselves for Weston creek half marathon on Sunday. Or this would have been too tough, and it was.
We started at usual place at the Cotter, headed past Pierces settlement to Vanities Crossing where the changes are very obvious. The road is now closed a couple of kms before, rocks have been placed to prevent any trail bikes getting into the water.
Water depth is mid thigh height, so quite deep & still fast flowing over the weir. Not yet cold & very refreshing. Two of us took our shoes & socks off but with water over Warks Road in a couple of places further on, there was no point really.
Unusual to see water on Warks Road but there has been plenty of rain, more falling now as I write.
On past DS7 yellow gate, we turned up on to Old Mill road. That had water as well and is in a rocky deteriorated condition.
Finally on to Mt Franklin Road, we headed to Bulls Head a couple of kms to the south. At this point we had well and truly passed 1300 metres in height, but it wasn't cold. In fact a nice day in the mountains.
Down Bendorra Dam Road, closed to rock falls & erosion ( again), we turned on to Warks Road. The pace was a bit quicker as we finally had a good gravel surface to run on. At the old DS6 spot, we continued straight on on the Upper Cotter Road to exit just up from DS8 ( relay changeover) cutting off around 5 kms from the way we had came up.
Upper Cotter Road has a significant steep down hill of about 300 metres, much care needed to get down safely, we did.
At DS8, we decided to make up some of that lost distance, heading off to the right on a track opposite the 21 mile turn. That finished at 1.5 kms due to overgrowth & no maintenance, return back to main fire trail.
Straight through now to Vanities Crossing and over Ma & Pa to the finish.
A nice day weather wise, good conditions, very tiring with lots of hills. We walked many of them, but also ran as we could to get the benefit.
Thanks to Martin & Michael for their company, it's too hard to do alone.
Crazy man. I was saving myself for a flat 15k today and 10+ tomorrow.
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Ewen, At
March 17, 2012 at 9:56 PM
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