Quarter The Time
Distance: 48.15 km
Time: 6 hrs 16 mins 55 secs
Rate: 7' 50" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp range 13-15 degrees, humidity 77% rising to 90%, wind SE /E 10 kmph
Elevation gain/loss: 1045 metres
Week: 106.95 km, March: 75.25 km, Year: 911.55 km
Ran with Softshoe, Jeff & Elle ( part ) to find trigs on Farrer ridge, Mt Taylor, Oakey, Isaacs ridge, Wanniassa Hills before heading home after 40.6 kms.
Then, down to Bonython to the trig on top of Stranger Hill hidden in long grass.
Lucky with the weather in the morning, fine & the tracks mostly dry until the rain started just after midday. And it doesn't look like stopping.
Plenty of walking today, not a day for speed, but time on feet. Felt good to Ok most of the time, a bite to eat at various times ensured energy levels didn't drop too far.
Glad to get today out of the way, the rain is really coming down now, just as predicted. The ground & the rivers are completed saturated, we don't need any more, thank you.
Quarter the time is 6 hrs of the 24 hour at Coburg in early April.
Quarter the time and about 1/1000th the elevation change. Going 24 hours without a nana nap will be your only problem. That and blisters if this bloody rain keeps up!
By Ewen, At March 3, 2012 at 5:37 PM
Cold weather will be my main worry in Melbourne in April.
By Two Fruits, At March 3, 2012 at 8:53 PM
Re: your comment about how dull running on a treadmill is in rainy weather ... the only thing more dull is WALKING on a treadmill in rainy weather trying to get some training in for the 100km Wild Endurance event. Ugh! It's enough to do your head in!
By Jog Blog, At March 4, 2012 at 6:26 PM
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