Isabella Plains Loop
Distance: 9.05 km
Time: 49' 35"
Rate: 5' 29" per km
Weather: sun/cloud, temp 20 degrees, humidity 70%, wind NW 10 km
Week: 116.00 km, March: 84.75 km, Year: 920.6 km
It was still raining this morning when the keen ones would have been out in the puddles with wet feet. Some of us waited & late afternoon the weather turned & the sun shone.
I knew the fire trails would be muddy, so bit the proverbial & ran from home towards Calwell shops on the bike path.
I turned to Richardson & caught up with Ewen going same direction towards Isabella Dr. We ran together for a good while discussing all the important things in the world at the moment.
Probably high on the list was the river height of Coxes River at Six Foot Track, how our running is going, & other minor issues.
It was a really nice night as I finished just as the sun light was fading. Hopefully, this will be the last of the rain for a long time. Most enjoyable run, even if I did have to grin & bare the bike path.
As Jog & I would agree on, anything is better than being on the treadmill. And walking for training is even more boring than a quick one hour of running. Head spinning for sure, yuk, only if desperate.
Apart from the bitumen, it was an enjoyable run. Didn't quite solve the Cox's River crossing problem. Suffering a bit on this arvo's run though after two 'tempo' efforts in two days!
Ewen, At
March 5, 2012 at 8:53 PM
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