Monday's Recovery Day
Distance: 12.75 km
Time: 1 hr 12 mins 22 secs
Rate: 5' 41" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 10 degrees, humidity 65%, wind calm
Week: 12.75 km, June: 428.8 km, Year: 2492.7 km
As usual, Monday is an easy day. I normally just trot along the trail from work to home for lunch, then amble back about an hour later. Nothing special, nothing fast, just as it happens.
A really nice winter's day, cold again this morning, almost to mild in early afternoon.
On a suggestion, I stopped to take my heart rate on the way home and again on my way back to work.
I wasn't going very fast at any stage. First HR taken was 83 bpm then on the way back after a short down hill on Woodcock Dr, rate was 98 bpm. I guess that's fairly low, but I wasn't pushing out any pace, and normally don't anyway.
I suppose a small diesel engine just chugging away without a turbo.
Stopped at Pine Is on my way back to brave the cold waters of the Murrumbidgee River. Felt like almost freezing, but it's not. Temp without measuring would be around 12-14 degrees. Cold enough to be painful after 30 seconds, so I opted for the 30 seconds in, one minute out. Did that 4 times. My right calf after the cramps and knots from yesterday is still tender to touch, not sore when running, but I need to be careful.
I'd be surprised if your HR (while running) is that low. No matter how slowly you're jogging. Hard to be accurate without a HRM... when you're very fit (as you are) the HR drops incredibly fast as soon as you stop running, more so if you stop after running downhill. Even if you do a count for 10 seconds it's dropping while you're counting if you're fit - and you have to find a pulse then start the count.
If your max is 160 (rough guess) then 60% of max would be 96. I can't run slow enough to get 60% of max - I need to walk! For 5:41 per k I'd be running at 75%.
Ewen, At
June 25, 2012 at 9:13 PM
Probably is a bit low, but it doesn't drop that much in only 10-15 secs. My resting rate is low, and when on the exercise bike at work with HRM, I struggle to get above 100 bpm.
Two Fruits, At
June 26, 2012 at 1:31 PM
I think we need to take TF out to a track and 'make' him get to HRmax. I have some old horse whips in the cupboard, that should do the trick ha ha ha :-)
Janene, At
June 27, 2012 at 8:52 AM
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