Shortest Day, Longish Run
Distance: 21.75 km
Time: 2 hrs 2 mins 56 secs
Rate: 5' 39" per km
Weather: cold, sunny, temp 12 degrees, humidity 50%, wind strong NW 25 kmph
Week: 58.1 km, June: 356.55 km, Year: 2420.45 km
Another mid week half marathon to go with the double marathons last weekend. Tuesday was not quite half marathon distance but the circuit around Tuggie Hill is undulating, so altitude makes up for the shorter distance.
Today, again a flat course and part of last Sunday's run. This time from work, around the outside of Lake Tuggeranong, up Athllon Dr to almost Woden Town Centre. A short cut on Melrose Dr to Hindmarsh Dr, then over to the bike path near Tuggie Parkway.
The cool NW wind was against all the way to this point. At times, the wind almost caused me to stop, forward movement not possible.
Then, after the damage was done on the clock, I turned off Hindmarsh Dr, and followed the bike path back to Tuggie with the assistance of the wind.
In the shelter, it was a nice enough winter's day. But the trees have no leaves, the sun has not warmth & the wind is very lazy. It really did want to go thru you instead of around.
A fairly good run, very little stopping except for traffic.
An easy day tomorrow, the off road half marathon on Saturday, then run over the Mt Ainslie course in the afternoon ready for Sunday's monthly handicap.
The day's should get longer, but winter is well and truly here.
On this day last year, we were camped just north of Townsville, a nice 23 degree day. I remember the place & the day well, at Bluewater Creek rest area with around 45 other happy campers. I ran laps around the sports ground, great day.
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