Circuit of Tuggeranong Hill
Distance: 19.1 km
Time: 1 hr 49 mins 28 secs
Rate: 5' 44" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 15 degrees, humidity 40%, wind west 20 kmph
Week: 25.4 km, June: 323.85 km, Year: 2387.75 km
Returned to a distance run today in very pleasant winter conditions. Ran from work behind Bonython to Gordon to the Drakeford underpass to the fire trail around the base of Tuggie Hill.
Completed that with slight detour with workmen & trucks at the road up to the reservoir.
Back same way thru Gordon then another detour to Pine Is to make the distance worthwhile.
Finished with 20 minutes in the gym, a good session.
Legs didn't want to work to start, then it all came together. Great day, but weather is supposed to deteriorate later in the week. Better get more done tomorrow, rest day if it all goes pear shaped.
Will probably have a run in the half marathon on Saturday morning, then check out the course for Sunday's monthly handicap.
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