Where Bush walkers Might Go
Distance: 20.00 km
Time: 2 hrs 12 mins 25 secs
Rate: 6' 37" per km
Elevation gain/loss: 455 metres
Weather: sunny, temp range 10-16 degrees, humidity 75% down to 50%, wind calm
Week: 61.7 km, Sept: 283.7 km,
Year: 3400.8 kms in 38 weeks at ave 89.5 km
The bush walking group from work might be following my run course today when next we get out and about in early November.
With the intention of getting them to the top of Mt Rob Roy before Christmas, this course should not be too difficult as a lead in.
A beautiful sunny morning to be out there. Plenty of others as well, some I knew and stopped to chat.
If this 20 kms is not far enough, we can always head to the top of Mt Taylor and back, adding another 6 kms.
That's a good loop. Great views from up there.
I guess no slow joggers to catch today with CJ injured, Ruth sick and me sleeping in. Hoping George gets the boot tonight. He's a bit boring.
By Ewen, At September 23, 2012 at 4:31 PM
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