Sunny Sunday Afternoon
Distance: 13.95 km
Time: 1 hr 19 mins 14 secs
Rate: 5' 41"
Weather: sunny, temp 13 degrees, humidity 45%, wind WNW 20 kmph
Week: 71.4 km, Sept: 363.9 km
Year: 3481.0 km in 9 months at ave 386.8 km
A deliberate plan to run this afternoon with a mountain run up and down Mt Tennent tomorrow morning. I want to start just a little fatigued, not much.
I ran from home past Calwell oval where lane 5 looks in good shape, just needs a spring trim. Onwards behind Theodore houses to the electricity sub station, then on the Conder side of Tuggie Hill to Gordon. Just part way into the suburb, turn back towards home on Woodcock Dr and Johnson Dr.
Timed my return in time to be ready for the rugby league grand final to start. Storm won !!
Nothing much to report, just be ready for a tough run/jog/walk/struggle over the mountain tomorrow.
Weather forecast is Ok, cool early, sunny, should be a good 4 hours of fun.
Even though I'm a Suzuki rider I was hoping the Suzuki Storm would lose. Oh well, at least the Swans won.
Ewen, At
October 1, 2012 at 10:22 AM
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