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Purpose: Endurance
Distance: 29.35 kms in 3 hrs 15 mins 30 secs at 6' 40" p.k.
Distance: 22.3 kms in 1 hr 56 mins 45 secs at 5' 15" p.k
Daily total: 51.65 kms in 5 hrs 12 mins 15 secs at 6' 03" p.k.
Weather: cloudy all day, morning temp 18 deg, afternoon 23 deg, humidity from 70% down to 55%, wind calm in morning to NE 20 kmph in afternoon.
Week: 123.45 km, Jan & Year: 356.35 km
I had planned to do the Mt Tennent, Honeysuckle Tracking Station to Orroral Valley and return known as the Julie Quinn 60 km today. However, a combination of Softshoe taking time off to get his foot right, and low cloud, low temps and no views had me change my plan. That was Ok, no problems with the alternative I found.
I still had to find more than 50 kms to make the day worthwhile, so I ran within myself in the morning from home over the rolling hills of Wanniassa Hills, Farrer, Isaacs Ridge & behind MacArthur to make a run of more than 3 hrs with over 500 metres of altitude gain.
After a 3 hour break at home, lunch & a rest, I went to Calwell oval for 50 laps in lane 5. No one else about early, then a couple of people walking a dog. The sun didn't shine, it wasn't cold but it wasn't the nicest day we have had recently. It was Ok for running, but the humidity was high and the sweat sticky, a bit yucky.
As usual ran bare feet, grass drying out quickly without rain, changed direction every 10 laps and stopped then for a quick drink.
Ran all the time, no walking, and felt good and consistent averaging 2' 20" per lap and gradually improving the km rate from around 5' 20" to get to 5' 15" average for all at the finish.
A very good day, not a double session I would do all the time, but a change from a long run on a Saturday morning and a back up on a Sunday.
Hopefully, I will get a short run done on Sunday & finish at Pine Is for some river recovery.
Big day! Marginally quicker than Ruth on the morning run. Great arvo run - grass in lane 5 must be nicely flattened out now. Very humid this morning too - I was sweating more than Chris Lang.
Ewen, At
January 19, 2013 at 9:05 PM
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