More of the Same
Distance: 7.65 km
Time: 45' 04"
Rate: 5' 53" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 26 degrees, humidity 40%, wind NW 10 kmph
Week: 15.55 km, Feb: 110.95 km, Year: 633.7 km
A similar day to the last two with no intensity in the running at all. Really just cruising along at whatever pace the legs decide to turn over.
However, the distance increase by a little & the pace came down a little. Nice and easy out in the sunshine and finished with 15 minutes in the river.
Still feeling Ok, but I know a couple of down days are due, it's to be expected. Probably have them in 2nd week, that's normal.
If all continues as is, I'll be back sooner rather than later. I can't wait too long as it's only 2 months until Coburg.
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