Two Fruits

Thursday, April 18, 2013

First Steps to Redemption

Purpose:  recovery
Distance:  4.45 km
Time:  29' 20"
Rate:  6' 36" per km
Weather:  sunny, temp 19 degrees, humidity 55%, wind calm

Week:  4.45 km,  April:  240.55 km, Year:  1611.85 km

It had to start sometime.
Yesterday was a 12 minute relaxing stand in the cool waters at Pine Is.
Today, I journeyed home, just one way. It was a mixture of slow run, slow jog, slow walk & a couple of stops.
I did take it very easy, this week and next are very important to get right. Another 10 minutes in the cool water today has made a big difference to the muscles, but the energy levels are not there yet.
Plenty of sleep also needed. I expect the recovery to take longer this time. Not due to the effort during the 24 hour, but just getting older.
I have almost finished my training plan for the next 3 months & also set a target for the six months after Birdsville.
Hopefully the Queensland connection also venturing outback will recover properly & get their plans set.


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