New Week - Bigger & Better
Purpose: Just more kms
Distance: 16.2 km
Time: 1 hr 34 mins 53 secs
Rate: 5' 51" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 15 degrees, humidity 50%, wind SSW 10 kmph
Week: 16.2 km, May: 457.7 km,
Year: 2207.25 km in 21 weeks at ave 105.1 kms p.w.
I need to put in some big weeks now as I have only 8 effective training weeks to go, then a taper week and a travelling week before the start of the Birdsville Track run.
The base is good enough now to go outside the 10% rule & put in some solid long kms.
Mostly, that will be the Saturday long run, and a longer Sunday run, but more weekly long runs, over 20 kms, can now be thrown in to boost the weekly total.
Today, nothing to report with a usual work to home and back only this time a little longer on a Monday. The weekend hasn't seemed to have taken much out of me, so I can push on without having to ease back with a recovery type day.
Otherwise, all good, no problems. I won't quite make my all time monthly Pb of 532 kms set in June last year this month, but will certainly have to go well over that in June this year.
Who else is doing Birdsville with you - Michael T, Pammie, Kerrie B or ?? Or just you?
Jog Blog, At
May 27, 2013 at 9:31 PM
Probably just me, but that's not a worry, anyone else that starts would be kms in front of me after day 1. And to be honest, there are only about 6 in Aust that would want to go 520 kms. And 2 of those will be in the Kimberley very soon.
Two Fruits, At
May 28, 2013 at 8:11 PM
I've got a challenge for you - see if you can break my monthly PW of 105k. The month after Birdsville? Go for it!
Ewen, At
May 29, 2013 at 7:44 PM
I can think of lots more than 6 AUS ultra runners who could run 520+km. It's probably more about where and when and how that fits (or doesn't) with the rest of their lives. Go well with the rest of your prep.
Jog Blog, At
May 29, 2013 at 8:59 PM
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