Saturday Morning Tour
Purpose: long run
Distance: 40.35 km
Time: 4 hrs 42 mins 48 secs
Rate: 7' 00" per km
Weather: cold early, sunny, temp range -3 to 14 degrees, humidity 95% down to 45%, wind calm
Week; 93.85 km, May: 300.75 km, Year: 2050.3 km
Started from home with Softshoe and met up with Kerrie M near Chisholm shops.
Then it was behind MacArthur houses to run most of the Tour de Ridges course which included Wanniassa Hills, double loop of Isaacs Ridge, then under Yamba Dr to Farrer ridge, over the trig and back to Wanniassa Hills nature park.
We left Kerrie at the top side of Gowrie, she headed back toward Chisholm and we went down thru Gowrie back to the start.
That was 28 kms, not enough for me but enough for Softshoe. A rest of an hour then out to do an extra 12 kms to make the daily target. At least the sun was warm, 14 degrees air temp, so nice to just jog along on a circuit of Isabella Plains, Calwell shops, Tharwa Dr and back home.
A good morning out after the cold beginning. Using the back pack to carry drinks & eats also makes it easier to offload gloves & the extra layers needed on cold mornings.
Nothing special about the run, not fast, walked up the hills as I have the work group bush walk over 30 kms tomorrow morning. Gloves again, overnight low expected to be -4 degrees this time.
At least we get nice sunny days once the frost has melted.
Minus 4! I'd better rug up tomorrow morning for my marshall duties - hope it's not foggy down at LBG.
Ewen, At
May 18, 2013 at 9:20 PM
No fog Ewen, beautiful day, bit cold early then nice.
Two Fruits, At
May 19, 2013 at 5:27 PM
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