Two Fruits

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Some Sunshine Mid Week

Purpose: jog
Distance:  10.65 km
Time:  60' 38"
Rate: 5' 42" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 17 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm

Purpose:  junk kms
Distance:  12.3 km
Time:  70' 18"
Rate:  5' 43" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 22 degrees, humidity 35%, wind NW 20 kmph

Week:  22.95 km,  Oct:  75.85 km,  Year:  4096.35 km

Nothing special this week so far. Yesterday & today were just junk adding kms to keep the total ticking over.
No problems, just don't feel the need for anything too long mid week especially as the weekends are either very hilly or tough.
Finished today's run with 10 minutes in the cool water at Pine Is. The river still has plenty of either last time's rain/flood water or some snow melt coming down the river system.
Water temperature is nicely cool to be good for the legs.
The running calendar now starts to heat up with some big events for me, so I think the last of these easy jogs are gone. Time to get a bit serious before it's too late.


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