Week 13 - 3 Months Gone
Distance: 1,302.1 kms in 13 weeks at ave 100.16 kms ( up from 98.7 kms at week 12)
Last week: 117.7 kms
March: 445.55 kms
Altitude: 27,358 metres in 13 weeks at ave 2,104 metres ( up from 2,068 metres at week 12)
Last week: 2,542 metres
March: 9,100 metres
Finally managed to crack the 100 kms per week average and bring the altitude metres back over the 2,100 metres.
A good week now back to routine with Easter allowing for a couple of solid long runs on Saturday on Bullen Range ( 33 kms ) and a local hills run on Monday ( 25 kms). Throw in a couple of easy days, slow pace, some walking plus a couple of stops at the river for a bit refreshing recovery.
April has the target of the Neverest Challenge at the end of the month attempting to go up and down Mt Ainslie as many times as possible.
Not much else happening, so consistency without pushing the limits is what it is all about.
You're doing well. Think I'm only up to 20,000m on the bike and that feels like a LOT of climbing!
Ewen, At
April 5, 2016 at 8:26 PM
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