Week 43 - Trying to Catch Up
Distance: 3,621.05 kms in 43 weeks at ave 84.2 kms ( down from 84.5 km at week 42)
Last week: 73.2 kms
Altitude: Garmin - 128,375 metres in 43 weeks at ave 2,985 metres ( up from 2,964 metres at week 42)
Last week: 3,881 metres
Strava: 130,799 metres
Two non running days, one due to the weather when local Parkrun cancelled due to track conditions, wind & rain.
So, managed to get a fair bit done in 5 days with all but one having heaps of vertical metres. Best one was today with a run/walk up Mt Wellington to find the few remaining patches of snow from a dump on Saturday. Most of it had gone, but the winds were amazing with 65 kmph strong westerlies making the temperature feel like -11 degrees. So much for spring time leading to summer temps. Not here, not yet.
Couple more solid running days then ease back before Triple Top which won't be as hard as today's 28 km with 1700 metres of vert in 4 and half hours. Should be a good fun day and a chance to catch up with a few running friends in the north of the state.
All good in the lead up, racing as such won't be the priority. just have fun & take a few pictures.
Not a huge difference between Garmin and Strava on altitude gain. I'm the same re catching up. Must not leave it more than a couple of weeks. Triple Top sounds like a good one.
Ewen, At
November 5, 2018 at 9:06 PM
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