Black Mountain
Distance: 19.05 km
Time: 1 hr 42 mins 57 secs
Rate: 5'24" mpkm
Weather: Good for running, cloudy, calm, temp range 15-19 degrees, humidity 50%
Distance: 24.4 km
Running days: 2/3
Ave: 17.2 km per run
Distance: 156.8 km
Running days: 8/13
Ave: 19.6 km per run
YTD: 618.45 km
Back to Black mountain using similar course to that we used on Tuesday's last year. Not very often get to the vet's group run ( although ran alone after a while) but had to be at Narrabundah Primary School early this morning and in Belconnen at lunch time so the run fitted in nicely. Started out with the group as we headed towards the National Botanical Gardens, a speeding bicyclist,who thought he owned the path knocked Michael Freer over as he ran along in a group. Didn't catch up with the end result but the group were not happy.
Continued around the back of the Botanic Gardens and joined the summit trail to the top. Back down and around the back down to the roadworks at Rani Road, so finally found a bike path taking care and headed over to the Cork plantation. Made my way to the gun barrel hill and around more roadworks to the top of Dairy Farmer's Hill. Found a way under the Tuggie Parkway to the National Zoo and another bike path on edge of LBG back to the start.
A bit longer and much faster than best run over similar course last year so am hoping both this weekend in Vic and SFT in 3 weeks time will see good results.
Just need to stay heathy and injury free. No mistakes now in the training, so far so good.
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